They’re here: There have been several confirmed whale sightings in the region. Picture: Rob Gunstone
The whale season has officially begun with several confirmed whale sightings in the past few weeks.
Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) regional manager of natural environment programs Peter Lawson said the whales had been sighted at Port Fairy, Port Campbell and Portland.
“Since the first sighting on May 19, DELWP has received several confirmed sightings of blue whales, southern right whales and humpback whales along the coast,” he said.
“All whales sighted have been adults and we are eagerly awaiting the first sighting of a calf this season.”
Mr Lawson encouraged anyone wishing to contribute sightings, reports or images to DELWP’s whale research program to email
Information required includes the date, time and location of the sighting, preferably with GPS coordinates.
He said photos of the whale(s), a description, the number of whales sighted, and details of their behaviour and direction of travel were also encouraged.
How best to photograph whales?
Join well-known south-west photographer Perry Cho for his expert tips on the best camera techniques for capturing the world’s largest animals along our coastline.